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STUDIO801 is a startup industrial design studio at APDesign at Kansas State University, in which students are challenged to create unique products from idea to market.


Students collaborate to design meaningful objects that are not only attractive and functional, but also tell a story!

About us

STUDIO801 is a graduate-level Industrial Design course where students have the opportunity to DESIGN, MAKE and LAUNCH their products in the marketplace.

To meet such a challenge, students spend the first half of the semester following the design thinking process to produce functional and enticing products. After a several reviews and a selection process involving professors, practitioners, and members of the general public, one project is chosen for further development.

During the second half of the semester, students work on product development, marketing, communication, branding, logistics, production, and packaging for the selected product.  By the end of the semester, they are expected to create a marketing campaign to launch their products out on the market. After the marketing campaign concludes, a limited-edition of products will be produced and distributed.

Studio801 blends design theory and educational methodologies with a real-world scenario to better prepare students for life after graduation. Understanding and defining consumer needs and desires, as well as market dynamics, design, communication, production and assembly methods, branding, pricing, and packaging, are some of the objectives of this experience. The ultimate goal is for students to get a better understanding of real-world product development, contemporary business practices and how they can add value as industrial designers.

We are continuously seeking for product ideas for this experience, so please feel free to contact us with your suggestions! Additionally, sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and participate in the design process.

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